Q: Hi can you document/track your zinc intake & baby’s progress/improvement? I can post what you write on infantreflux & you’ll have a link to share – to help others figure out how much/when to take the zinc.
So I met with my daughters Ped yesterday for 3mo check up. She was very interested to hear my reflux cure. My daughter had severe silent reflux that was progressing in severity by week 3. I had already been through this nightmare with my first son and learned everything I did not want to do (i.e. antacids, ppi meds, formula, etc). Instead, I applied what I learned from curing my son’s reflux. Her posterior tongue tie was laser revised by Day 3. I started taking out foods from my already Paleo diet; chocolate and nuts are triggers for her and cause body rash. Still she had silent reflux. Then my husband came home with a cold, so I doubled my zinc intake to ward off germs. Poof! Reflux instantly stopped. Now I was already taking zinc because I heard it helped reflux. However, doubling my intake allowed me to reach Treatment levels to be passed through breastmilk to my daughter. When I ran out of the bottle, reflux returned. I am taking 50mg of Trace Minerals Ionic Liquid Zinc. At 25mg, zinc helped my own skin, but was not enough to get to my daughter. my Ped believes its curative property was raising her HCl, increasing stomach acid. This is supported by Chris Kresser’s eBook on curing reflux. PPI meds increase alkalinity which lowers stomach acid. The body is triggered to make more acid. PPI meds aim to suppress acid but it is a vicious cycle of the body overriding to make more. Many of us moms read about reflux being cured with Apple Cider Vinegar; same reason it works. But if you’ve ever tried to give an infant the ultra potent ACV, you know it ain’t happening! Now here is an alterntive!. Things to keep in mind…. 50 mg was my personal threshold of zinc benefits. Yours may be different. Ask a physician the boundaries or look on Mayo clinic’s site for zinc dosage. Zinc also requires a balance with Copper to be absorbed by the body. My brand contains copper to create this balance. It needs magnesium (not taken at same time) and B vitamins to be absorbed. Zinc can also be given directly to baby via formula. Again, consult your Ped for dosage boundaries. No, your formula is not providing enough of this, nor is it likely in an appropriate form. There are very real and safe alternatives that cure reflux. Good luck Mamas! –Nicole W. Jume 2015, Facebook
Q: HI! please can you share more about your zinc intake and your baby’s reflux? I’m fascinated!! thanks! and I think you’re onto something: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/06/150615132948.htm
A: Thanks!! After almost 8 weeks of taking 50mg ionic zinc complex by Trace Minerals I tried to lessen the dose…. instant silent reflux returned. The only other time we had silent reflux in the 8 weeks on the high dose zinc was when I accidentally ate something containing corn (a HUGE trigger in my household), but the effects came and went within 24hrs. This continues to help me see that curing reflux is a multifaceted issue: correcting structural causes, eliminating environmental triggers, and returning the gut to a low acidic pH. It is also personal when it comes to dosages and triggers. I have Leaky Gut Syndrome that is causing massive amounts of food reactions for me. It makes perfect sense then that my babies inherited this. I learn many of my own reactions through them! As for now, I continue to high zinc. To reiteate, I chose the Trace Minerals zinc because it includes some cofactors for zinc absorption. B6 and magnesium are also needed for the body to absorb it. The brand I take has copper in ratio. If you just take zinc in high mounts, free copper in the body becomes out of balance and creates a host of unwanted issues. Balance is key!
This zinc link is the best I’ve ever read! Fix Your Gut, The Magic Bullet Supplement for Stomach Issues Zinc and Carnosine
I am taking 50mg which is under his recommended max dose of 60mg daily. Im glad it says the zinc toxicity markers, in that article, so I can watch out for signs. And I looooove that there is a list of brands for each type of zinc!
–Nicole W. June 2015, Facebook–
I personally like designs for health brand zinc Glycinate. It was the first one that didn’t make me nauseous.
Zinc picolinate seems to be good for many ppl though: Thorne, Pure Encapsulations, Kirkman– all good clean brands. yes that’s the correct one in the link. The zinc l monomethionine I have is NOW brand. Laurie P.
MORE (from Christy) COPPER:
Essentially tho the majority of people have copper dysregulation (simultaneous low bio available copper yet toxic levels of unbound copper). Excess zinc can further deplete bio available copper because they are natural antagonists. You only need copper supplements if you are a fast oxidizer, which the majority are not. Most people have toxic copper which suppresses zinc; address the copper toxicity and zinc will naturally rise. Unbound Cooper requires a protein called ceruloplasm to be escorted out of the body. To address copper dysregulation, Morley (www.gotmag.org) recommends retinol, via cod liver oil (we use nordic naturals artic orange liquid 1 tsp daily, you do not want artic d version though), whole food vitamin c (we use radiance c powder 1/4 tsp twice daily in oj) and a b complex (we take 1/4 tsp local bee pollen for b vitamins but work up super slow starting only with a few kernels. I googled local bee farms to find it).
Part I
Live to 110 Podcast #90 Most Health Issues Stem from Copper Dysregulation PART 1 with Morley Robbins
Part II
#91 Most Health Issues Stem From Copper Dysregulation PART 2 With Morley Robbins