high calorie/calcium things I do for Ari: I add ricotta cheese & olive oil (if it’s hot, otherwise I add flax seed oil to cold items) to a lot of foods
I make pasta and add the ricotta & oil (I could use butter, too)
I also give him pediasure- it is SO SWEET that I just cannot give it to him straight (this probably is more ME than him)- I mix it in with milk. I figure he will never like plain milk now, sigh, but what’s a mama to do?
I give him yobaby w/ the added cereal for iron and to that I also add ricotta cheese
I’ve even been known to put ricotta in some babyfood veggies
I buy whichever brand has the highest % calcium per serving- it’s been Polly-o brand but perhaps there’s another that you can find
I make myself oatmeal in the morning and I take some of it & mix it with ricotta to feed Ari- it’s quaker old fashioned oats (I cook it in the microwave) w/ frozen blue berries added in. You could make it with heavy cream even…
I give him dark meat chicken (off the bone- I just shred it)…when I buy a roasted chicken (already cooked), I use the gelled fat at the bottom (sounds gross!) as gravy to mix in w/ noodles…I even add the ricotta to this…he seems to like the flavor…
not sure this helps?
you say she’d live on avocado & mac n’ cheese…these are not bad things as far as I can tell? avocado is a great fat!
I add organic frozen spinach (forgot to mention it above, oops!) to the noodle/ricotta/olive oil combo, so you could add spinach or other veggies (pureed from a jar would blend easiest) to the mac n’ cheese. you could also add oil or butter to it…add some chicken and it’s a meal, lol!
I’ve also been known to add (organic) refried beans to noodles to make it an easier slop for Ari to pick up with his hands…
he loves lo-mein when we order chinese food…probably not the healthiest but it’s great to watch him shovel it in, LOL