Sarah: We were in the same predicament you were in. Isn’t it so amazing to think that we can’t get enough calories into our little peanuts?? With Carson, I give him rice dream to drink (no milk,no soy) AND I add his formula (Neocate) to that. With each 8 ounces he drinks, he gets another 120 calories the way I mix it. He doesn’t get constipated, but that could be another issue…. He doesn’t drink much, but every little calorie counts (8-12 oz per day)! I used to add Duo-Cal to most of his food. Duo-cal is made by the same company that makes Neocate. I give him all beef hot dogs, pancakes and eggs with syrup, vege soup with crackers, my cookies, my spagetti, my meatloaf. My husband gets frusterated on the weekends with how many times I have to stop and feed him (or try). I know what you are going through! Just keep trying!! Carson was flat-lined on his growth chart for 4 months and then started to climb again. Sometimes I wonder if feeding him often is detrimental to the amount he eats. Like, if I waited until he was really hungry would he learn to eat more?? It is so difficult. Maybe the duo-cal or adding formula to his drink would help. Our nutritionist is quite forceful with her suggestions also. I don’t think they REALLY understand how difficult this is. You are doing the best you can and are a good mom!!