Well…when they gave her the thin liquid, it was penetrating her vocal cords and was then being aspirated! The next liquid, as most of you all know, was the nectar thick and it still penetrated her vocal cords but only aspirated once. Then they gave her the one that is honey thick and it finally went down the way that it is supposed to go down. So, that makes since why her little voice is so raspy. Anyway, we have started her on simply thick in the honey form. We have got to train her to swallow correctly. They said that it was dangerous because if we aspirated the way that she did, we’d be coughing and choking but she acted like it didn’t faze her…which that ment that it’d been happening for a while. Well, all of that being said, I’m glad that we found that but now we question whether or not she has reflux. What do you all think? Also, we’ve got her on Nutramigen because we thought that it’d help her fussiness but now I’m questioning whether she even needs that…?