My DS is 17 months old. He has had endoscopy and colonoscopy, UGI and stool test. He still does not tolerate solid foods without gas, bloating, crying, night restlessness and very frequest wakenings (usually followed by gas–toot). Has anyone used vial zymes to help with anything like this. I tried probiotics a long time ago, but not recently. He has had trouble since about 5 weeks old. No dairy, soy, egg or nuts in his diet. Mostly just Elecare and now we are just trying mostly bacon, hambuger meat, and a few cheerios. Small amounts-very small.
He has a long history with reflux (on Prevacid) and has tried several meds to help.
Just trying to think of anything. Maybe I should try probiotics again–is there a for sure dairy and soy free brand. Most I found were derived from one of those (flora baby is what I used before).
Thanks for your time