I just wanted to let anyone know who is having trouble with their little ones sleeping. My son never napped until he was 3 and-a-half months old and I let him CIO. He had to CIO for every nap and before bedtime until he was 2 years old. He is a frequent night waker (3-6 times every night). Here’s the good news…I just recently read on another forum that some moms think that the PREVACID is to blame for the sleep problems. I switched my son from 15mg of Prevacid twice a day to:
15 mg Prevacid Solu-tab in the morning and
10 mg Pepcid AC Chewable (No script needed) in the evening
Much to my amazement, my son started sleeping through the night maybe waking once because he threw his beloved puppy on the floor, I put it in his arms and he goes right back to sleep. I also don’t hear him refluxing anymore when he’s laying down in bed and I read him a story! He’s been on this combo for over a month now and I’m still amazed! He also is in a better mood during the day, not so crazed like before.
I wonder what would happen if I switched him from Prevacid to Prilosec in the morning – would that help more, I might have to try that.
I also wanted to mention that my son was on Zantac when he was only weeks old and it did nothing for his reflux. But I really believe this two-pronged approach works really well for my son who has massive silent reflux.
I’d really like to hear if anyone else has had a similar experience. (maybe it’s already been discussed )