I posted on your other thread–but I can’t figure out why you are doubting asthma. I have two children that have been considered bordrline asthma–but not diagnosed with it. Just before christmas, my son wa showing only 87% breathing capacity. He was put on allergy meds and given an inhaler. he immediatly got bronchitis, was put on antibiotics–and was well within about 4 days. He has always been prone to breathing problems. I took him to the ER when he was very little. He came in the house after playing, and was a little hoarse–then woke up with trouble breathing. They gave him an asthma treatment—which did not help, then did a chest x-ray, and told me he had bronchitis—I didn’t know it could come on that fast. It makes perfect sence that your daughter would cough when she gets sick—seems like her lungs are her weak point—especially since she doesn’t cough when she is well. doesn’t sound like it has anything to do with reflux.