To Martha: I honestly have no idea what is contributing to the success. It could be the Karyn’s, or it could be coincidental that we had hit around the 60 day mark of taking any supplements at all. I will say that what I like better about Karyn’s is that I only have to take the probiotic once a day and I take 3-4 enzymes with each meal, as opposed to taking an unlimited amount of the Core Health ones throughout the day. I also just prefer to buy from a local store vice online, paying shipping, waiting for them in the mail, etc.
To Laura: with the new brand of pills, I take the recommended doses on the bottle, and it seems to be enough. We started seeing results after about 60 days. My daughter is SO ready for solids, she stares at food whenever anyone around her eats. She watches the fork from the plate to your mouth and is memorized! I’m pretty sure she’ll be ready at 6 months. I’ve been doing some research already on baby led weaning, I’m definitely intrigued! I haven’t yet decided if I will give her supplements when we start solids. I think I’ll try it without first and see how she reacts. I’m hoping she’ll start to grow out of it soon, so we won’t have to, but it will be a whole new set of trial and error, I think!