Hi Ladies,
I feel compelled to post this to offer hope to all those moms out there who are about to pull their hair out with a reflux baby (mainly MSPI refluxers which tend to run in families). There is hope that if you have another child they won’t have reflux. Caroline is 6wks old today and I am very happy to report that we aren’t seeing any signs of reflux or MSPI with her! I will say that we have times where she isn’t happy but usually it is b/c of something I ate (usually broccoli or onions or some other gassy food) but overall she is a happy healthy non refluxing baby. She does spit up but no where to the degree that Cooper did and then she just smiles at me (she has started smiling on her own already, Cooper didn’t do that until he was almost 4 months old b/c he was in so much pain). We were told when Cooper was diagnosed with MSPI and reflux that we had a 50% chance of having another with the same problem. But I think we are proof that you can have a horrible refluxer and then end up with a non refluxer. I am sad for several of you ladies who have had babies recently as well who haven’t been so lucky… I prayed for you all as much as I prayed for myself to not have a refluxer.
Anyway just want everyone to realize that there is a chance that you won’t have a refluxer as a 2nd or 3rd or 4th child. I am so glad to now know what a “normal” baby is like… it is a night and day difference.