sylvia had obsructive sleep apnea and had her tonsils and adnoids out a week after she turned 2. as soon as she fell asleep, she would sound like she was struggling for breath and gasping when she was asleep. the ped ENT said her tonsils were touching when she went to sleep.
even when the pain of reflux is under control, it doesn’t stop the reflux from coming up—and this is an uncomfortable sensation. sometimes this might be why babies are still kind of fussy when the meds are right and there is no esophagitis. things don’t feel right and it is the only way they can tell you.
so many nights when i lie down to go to bed, i have to sit up after a few minutes and work to get a burp out because i am uncomfortable. kevin asked me once why i have to burp so much—he didn’t realize that reflux does this to you—i don’t know why, either.