My name is Kris and I am new to this site but really need some help. My son is 5 months old. He was diagnosed with sandifers syndrome at 3 months. He has been on Gentelease formula for 2 months now and his GI doc is switching him to Neocate. She has also switched him to previcid. He has been on that for 2 weeks now. Before that he was on Pepcid. Since July he has periods where he stops breathing and he is just now being put on an apenia machine. I don’t know if the dr’s just were not listening or what. But just recently I have been having a big problem and no doc seems to want to help. For the past 4 days he does nothing but swing his arms around, arch his back into a U shape. We just had a swallow study done and they told me to reduce the rice I am putting in his bottles. Well when I did that he is projectile vomiting everywhere. I know he is in pain and I want to help him because all he does is scream. Does anybody have any suggestions??