I’ve been on TED for 8 or 9 wks (had been milk/soy free since 31 wks pregnant as my older two boys were MSPI and I did the MSPI diet a total of about 2 1/2 years with them)… My dd did not tolerate white potatoes, and I did use brown rice up until about a week ago (now she seems ok with white rice). I hate squash and sweet potato, so I never used them. The starting foods in the TED are not guaranteed to NOT cause a problem; they are just more likely to be okay. However, many kids of TED moms do seem to have problems with some of the them. This is where a food journal – and trial and error – seem to help. I also could not eat pears, as my dd’s reflux and discomfort just went crazy.
At this point, I am using free range turkey (ground and fresh turkey breasts), white and brown rice, Westsoy rice milk, plain mineral water, grapes, and organic white grape juice. I use sea salt and olive oil for food seasoning/preparation. I was using black pepper, and it seemed to cause some irritability so I’ve discontinued that. I also use organic pure can sugar. Iodized table salt contains corn products. I do not take any supplements or vitamins due to their contents, and have avoided any OTC or prescription meds as well. (FYI-Some moms on the mspiguide.com website reported that their kiddos had problems with Rice Dream brand rice milk, apparently due to some possible contamination issues.)