Symptoms are fussiness after feedings, ezcema and mucousy poop. We had all 3 and the only one that didn’t go completely away after meds and formula was the mucousy poop but since solids that has gone away as well, or at least I can’t see it anymore, may still be there.
We had fussiness after feedings and mucous & blood in stools! Even on Alimentum, this continued b/c the broken down milk protein was too much for him. We ended up on Neocate.
I just wanted to add that mucous in poop doesn’t necessarily mean it’s intolerance or allergy. My dd sometimes still has mucous but our G.I and team of docs(ha ha)chalk it up to an immature digestive system. MSPI is so tricky. I WISH there was a test! That would have saved me endless amounts of rice and squash when I did TED for almost a month. It wasn’t very fun. I hope that helps a little. Good luck!
If your breastfeeding you can keep a journal and just write everything you eat and how baby reacts daily. That is what I did with Justice and realized everytime I ate beef or dairy he and I both got sick. He would also break out in exzema everytime I ate either. Oh, he had horrible cradle cap that was even in his eyebrows that changed into exzema.