I personally used sugar from the beginning with my TED, but others avoid it. For those avoiding sugar, check out “Pear Sweet Sweetener” from Wax Orchards, available at http://www.allergygrocer.com. It is made from concentrated pear juice only. It might help as a sweetener on Erewhon Crispy Rice or Arrowhead Mills Rice & Shine cereals.
“Concentrated corn-free, all natural, fruits that can be used as a sugar replacement in your favorite recipes & are great for baking. These taste sweeter than honey or any syrup or sugar so less is needed in a sugar-free recipe, yet don’t contain glucose so there is no rapid rise in blood sugar, making them diabetic-friendly. It also makes them lower calorie-less calories (480 cal/cup to sugar’s 770 calories for the same amount (by volume) so you nbeed less to achieve the same sweetness level as sugar. All are diabetic friendly, fruit-sweetened, Vegan, fat-free, high fiber, low calorie, & preservative-free. “
http://www.allergygrocery.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen= PROD&Store_Code=AG&Product_Code=1622