…well, close enough for me !!! I just wanted to say that in our Christmas program at church tonight, Nathan was the baby Jesus…and it went SO well!!! He was very happy and smiled almost the whole time (nearly 20 minutes of the manger scene)…not that it would have been a big deal if he’d cried the whole time (probably more realistic), but seeing him so happy after such an UNhappy start in life made me thank God for helping us through such a difficult time. I would’ve never agreed to let him play the baby Jesus a few months ago, that’s for sure! He was so miserable the first 3 months of his life, mostly due to MFPI (which I hadn’t even heard of at the time), GERD, and lactose intolerance. We’ve come such a long way, and he’s MUCH better now. I know it’ll probably be several months before he outgrows reflux, and probably a few years before he outgrows the lactose intolerance (if he ever does; my 2-year-old still is), but he seems to be outgrowing the MFPI finally, which means I can finally add some protein back into my diet….yeaaaaa!!! He is such a sweet, sweet little boy, and seeing him so happy tonight made me count my blessings. Thanks for listening, and thank you all for being more help to me than you’ll ever know !!!
Paula B2007-12-10 07:24:03