I *think* that the article says you start the enzymes while on the diet?
Colic & Food Allergy in the Breastfed Infant: is It Possible for an Exclusively Breastfed Infant to Suffer From Food Allergy?
Barbara Schach and Michael Haight
From the Journal of Human Lactation 2002; 18;50
DOI: 10.1177/089033440201800108
This is from page 51:
“The first phase of the elimination diet involves the elimination of dairy, soy, nuts, strawberries, and chocolate. The diet may also include the elimination of wheat, eggs, corn, and so on if the first phaseof the maternal eliomination diet does not resolve infant symptoms. The breastfeeding mother also begins taking two pancrease MT-4 strength tablets with each meal and one with each snack. Pancrease is a digestive enzyme that further breaks down fats, proteins &carbohydrates before they enter the mother’s bloodstream. It is theorized that proteins from the mother’s diet that are brolen down before they cross the semipermeable membrane of the breast may be less likely to provoke an allergic response in the infant. This strategy has decreased symptoms of colic, eliminated or greatly reduced blood in the infant’s stool, and allowed breastfeeding to continue without the need to change the infant to a nonallergic formula. Among 16 breastfeeding mothers treated w/ Pancrease at our clinic, 13 have been able to continue breastfeeding , with resolution of bloody stool and a decrease in symptoms of colic. This, however, was not a prospective case control study. the question remeains, “Would these symptoms have resolved spontaneously?” Until we have more studies in this area, the answer is unknown.”