We cut them from her diet and most of her symptoms went away within a week. Over the next four months we weaned her off prevacid. I think that it could have gone much faster, but she caught a lot of viruses last winter, so she was sick a lot. We didn’t want to mess with the prevacid when other things were going on. Other than a few breakthrough episodes here and there, she’s been doing fine ever since.
Good report Kim. We go tomorrow, so we’ll see what happens.
I do know the last time we saw the allergist, she thought Henry’s reflux was a seprate issue. And unfortunately would have it at least until he’s 3. She even upped his prevacid for us and it’s helped tremedously.
My worst fear for him is that he’ll be allergic to yeast. His diet would be next to impossible. Poor kid. I just want him to be able to eat semi normal.