Hello again all!
Been gone from this board for some time now thanks to my little kiddo being happily medication and reflux free. Yeah! I see that many of the same moms are here dispensing great advice and suggestions. I never would have made it without many of these moms!
Since I’m doing a little spring cleaning, I’ve decided that there is no reason for me to keep the kiddo’s Tucker Wedge/Sling and I’ve been trying to give it away on Freecycle but I’m so sick and tired of trying to explain to people that it’s not:
A) a typo and really a swing
B) a wearable thing
C) an item for them to get for free and resell on eBay
So, I finally realized that I need to find a home for it here! Are there any moms in DFW who want this for free? It’s a medium (girl’s print) and my child used it exactly once before she informed me in no uncertain terms that it was not for her.