Hi, I posted in the introduction folder about my 6 week old who has severe reflux with Sandifer’s and apnea episodes. She was put on an apnea monitor last night and it went off 3 times. And she has had one blue episode.
I keep reading that children with neurological issues have this – what percentage of reflux babies have only reflux and outgrow it and what percentage have other issues? What type of other issues should I be on the lookout for?
She has had a CT scan and an EEG which seem normal. She makes eye contact, coos, smiles, can lift her head a little, has opened her hands . . . so she seems to be doing okay.
When she sleeps she has these periods where she will kind of writhe, pull up her legs, and elongate her neck – I am thinking these are periods where she is having reflux pain. If she is in a car or bouncy seat when this happens sometimes she will lift her arms up high too. I guess this is the Sandifer’s. Also, sometimes right after I feed her and she seems to have a gas bubble stuck she will get real still and her eyes will dart back and forth like in a trance and then she is fine once she burps.
When she is not fussy – she seems like a totally normal baby. Sadly, we have days where that never happens.
However, our biggest issue is definitely sleep – it seems to be worse at night AND she gets congested, wheezy and snores at night. What can I do to help us all get some sleep?
Also, she is taking Prevacid (liquid) – .7ml twice a day. The doctor also said I could give her Mylanta and gas drops. I asked about Gripe Water but they didn’t say. I also have read on here about probiotics and would like some more info about that? I need help figuring out how to give her medicines, at what intervals, etc. Doctors are surprisingly unhelpful in this area. Plus her feeding is so irregular it is hard to give her the Prevacid on an empty stomach.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Isabella – 6 weeks reflux w/sandifer’s and apnea