I am really confused about Neocate and reflux.
I am aware that reflux can be caused by MSPI / multiple food protein intollerance. Therefore a hypoallergenic amino acid based formula SHOULD ‘cure’ the reflux, as there will be no allergens to cause a reacion.
From reading these forums, it seems that lots of your LOs are on Neocate BUT are also still being medicated for reflux.
Does this mean that the Neocate doesn’t work completly?
The reason I am asking is that I am breastfeeding my 7.5 month old baby on a strict elimination diet, but he is still having episodes of reflux. I have a choice of using reflux meds, and continuing to breastfeed, or to switch to Neocate and hope that it cures all. I am concerned that I switch to Neocate, still have to medicate (as I may as well have just stayed with the breastfeeding and medicate anyway IYSWIM).
I would be so grateful if you could share your experiences, if you are / have used Neocate. Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance!!!