This is similar to using a wedge or car seat it appears but looks to me like a better/more comfortable option. The price seemed to be similar to the tucker wedge/sling and this looks pretty neat. Now I can’t say anything other than what I saw online, but the only downfall in my opinion is that it can’t be used for babies over 20lbs… But wanted to share another option since we all know getting reflux babies to sleep is always an ordeal.
I love that kind of stuff, LOL! especially if it helps!!!
it looks like it might- like an alternative to sleeping in the bouncy (we did that for a bit- put the bouncy up on our bed- probably not the safest choice but it worked for the moment…)
Why oh why didn’t I invent this? What a great idea, and it seems like it would solve all the sliding problems that you have when you simply elevate the bed.
Naomi, Tell me about it. I looked at it and thought I wonder how many people are kicking themselves for not inventing this. I may have to invest in one if we have another b/c I am sure they will have reflux!
That looks great! Not sure why they made the texture so bumpy though…
Precious- We used a comfy lift bed for Hailey, if that’s what you’re talking about. We don’t use it anymore and were going to sell it, but as we’re in Canada figured that shipping costs might be high. PM me if you want more info.