I know this might be a stupid question but can mucousy diaper just look almost “shiny”. I guess when I think of mucous I think of being able to fold the diaper together and then when I pull it apart the “mucous” stretches out. Today she had a green diaper and it looked really “shiny liquid” but I don’t know if I just got to the diaper so quickly and that is how they usually look and it is usually just more absorbed in the diaper???
If that isn’t considered mucous then she hasn’t had any visible blood, mucous or really stinky diapers in 4-5 days. It is okay then to start trialling food? She did have an occult blood stool sample today and it did come back positive and she still has the eczema that I forgot to mention in my previous post. Not that it is terribly bad but she has always had it. I’m just so apprehensive, I guess I am still worried that I’m eating something that is bothering her 🙁