So sorry you are going through this… Doctor Pittman — god she is arrogant. My advice – write down everything you want to talk about and do not leave without looking at your list of things — she will cut you off and i often left with half of my questions unanswered. Not sure she is big on testing, but when we told her that Matthew had only eating 8 ounces in 24 hours, she got us into the hospital (this is after a couple of weeks of herr seeing us the first time). she is aggressive on medication and formulass, but you seem to already be doing it, so say you want testing….
I cancelled our last appointment with her because i was traveling to Spain… it has been 3 months and she never called us!! She must think everything is going wonderfully with Matthew… little she knows that he has been hospitalised/in the ER/ with a tube!! :-)))
A stomach virus can cause the BM you are describing – gastroenteritis? It can last from 3 to 10 days or so, but usuallly goes with some fever…. has he had a temperature at all? There are tons fof things that can cause babies to not want to eat as we learned… stomach issues, urine infections etc but they usually go hand in hand with a temperature.
I hope Ian is feeling better!