I’m trying to figure out my 6 week old’s intolerances. . .without doing the the TED rite of passage.
She is clearly intolerant of all dairy (even hidden), soy, nut, and chocolate. But recently she had a couple of really fussy days, including red cheeks and stringy stool again. I had eggs the other morning. . .so now I’m thinking maybe she is intolerant of those also.
If your infant is MSPI, is he/she also intolerant of eggs?
my son was MSPI and we found out in August that he has a pretty severe egg allergy. But I will say that I never gave him eggs so I don’t know what his “symptoms” would have been. I don’t know of any other MSPI babies on here who have egg issues… but if they see this I am sure they will chime in.
My DD#2 is mspi and egg intolerant. She’s 14 mos and no signs of it letting up.
My DD#1 was dairy (but not soy) egg, wheat, apple, dates, all nightshades, corn, Hmmmm… I’ve forgotten some. She is now able to eat all of it but egg and wheat.