His symptoms are: arching the back, not drinking well, 2-3 oz & wants to eat every 3 hours, crying, pushes all the time as if trying to go to the bathroom, throwing arms around, jumps like gets startled, not content at all. He doesn’t vomit & hardly ever spits up. During the probe, he eat about 1-2 oz every 3 hours, he wouldn’t eat as much. Thanks for the article too, I printed it out so I can read it. I was thinking of having my pediatrician set up an MRI or cat scan to see if maybe his digestive system isn’t fully developed, since he was born at 34 wks, what do you think??? I am running out of ideas & now that the probe came back negative as my husband thought it would, he doesn’t believe that he could have reflux, while I am not sure anymore, I thought he had all the classic symptoms of silent reflux, but now I am not so sure. I do have to say, that he does now smile sometimes, when before he never used to, I mean never. I am not sure if it is the Neocate or that he is now 3 mths old???? Any ideas?