Yay! That is a big milestone
Caden has never liked being on his tummy and quickly learned to roll from tummy to back to avoid it. Even to this day, he will roll over onto his back pretty quickly after being placed on his tummy. He is able to roll from back to tummy, but he usually chooses not to do it.
He is starting to be interested in moving though, so I’m hoping he’ll figure out that in order to crawl he’ll have to stay on his tummy for awhile At this point, he rolls immediately to his back and then kicks like that is going to get him somewhere! He looks like a little turtle on his back with arms and legs just going, and he’ll be squealing and happy at the same time. It’s cute.
Caden is finally cutting a tooth! He is getting the bottom 2 front teeth at the same time, so that is partly the reason he is so fussy lately (along with an ear infection).