My son is 8 weeks old and has refulx. He is currently on Alimentum and some breast milk. I had a reduction surgery and can only supply him with about 6-8oz per day of breast milk. He doesn’t have a problem after drinking the breast milk but if he has several bottles of formula in a day he is screaming all night. I called my doctor today and asked if I should put rice in his bottle and she told me to stop breast feeding and put him on neocate. Why would I stop the one thing that helps him. She knows that I’m not on an emlination diet because he doesn’t react to my milk. I also don’t know if it’s worth it for just a few ounces. I don’t know what to do at this point. He is having some test done on Thursday where he drinks something and gets and x-ray done. (I forgot the name) Should I stop breastfeeding? He doesn’t nurse good enough to get milk from me so I have to pump a lot to get those 6oz per day. He does comfort nurse at night because it’s the only thing that calms him down. I’m going to start putting him on his tummy to sleep because he is more comfortable. I’ve also started to feed him more in case he is just hungry and I’m over looking that. He was taking 2oz ever 1 1/2 to 2 hours and I’ve started offering 3oz instead.
I would agree with the doctor that for supplementing you might try Neocate but since your milk isn’t bothering him I am not sure why she told you to stop altogether. It is probably the milk protein (although broken down) in the alimentum that is bothering him. Since you are on TED and your milk doesn’t bother him you can still do both if you want!
You are doing the best you can!!!
jilly782008-06-30 15:20:00
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