My dd had dark green very runny stinky poo for a while when she switched to the Neocate. Do you give your ds Mylanta or Maalox? I was also giving her a lot of Mylanta at the time, which I think was contribuing to the stink and runniness. Once I cut out the Mylanta, most of the stink and the runniness have both gone–she’s actually leaning towards being a bit constipated now from all the rice cereal!
As for the poop test, my GI & Pedi both said that it’s not very accurate because the intollerance may not show up in the poop, so it could show negative, but your lo is still intollerant. Dagney’s poop didn’t have blood in it, but she still has the intollerance to dairy.
Dagney had the excema just on the left side of her face and on her forehead. It was really strong until she was on the Nutramigen, then it would come and go. Now that she’s on the Neocate, it’s all clear, and people actually comment how nice her complection is!
dfb052007-4-3 21:0:38