Hey everyone, haven’t been around much lately, MANY changes going on around here, Aidan is crawling like mad, pulling up on things, walking around the couch, holding on to the couch with one hand and leaning down to pick something up with the other, going to be walking VERY soon I think. He’s eating everything under the sun and I cut all the cereal out of his bottle (well just did this tonight so we’ll see how that goes over), he’s on stage 3 foods (what little of them there are) and those little puff things and uses a sippy cup (for water, have yet to try getting him to drink formula out of it, right now it’s just practice). Still on 30 of the prevacid and staying on it til he’s one just in case, but I THINK the ugly reflux monster is slowly creeping away!!
Anyway, besides STILL haveing NO teeth..it’s taking them forever to come in, but his poor gums are so swollen..he’s doing great!!!