my sylvia had a fundo done just shortly before she turned 10 months old. i would do it again in a heartbeat. she was born with a hiatal hernia—but we did not know this until they went in to do her fundo. we had an excellent surgeon and she has never had a single complication from her fundo. he also repaired her inguinal hernia when she was two. she can burp, but she cannot throw up. if she gets nauseated, she wretches, which is always a little unnerving for me, but i think it bothers me more than it does her. she turns 4 on oct 6th. she continued to be be FTT after her fundo—but she had a few other complications that were all worked out by the time she was two.
i don’t keep up on the board really well, anymore—-are the docs thinking you may have to go this route?