My son is 3.5 months old and has suffered with reflux (lots of unhappy spitting up) since we began bottle feeding at 3 weeks old. We met with a GI doctor last week and she found blood in his stool. Later that same day, he spit up a small amount of blood so we went to the ER. He’s scheduled for an upper GI later this week.
He is now on Elecare and Zantac (1 ml, 3x/day; he weighs just under 13 lbs). The switch to Elecare occurred less than one week ago so I know it takes time. He’s been on the Zantac for more than one week now and still no improvement. It’s so tough to see him suffer. He loves to eat and yet, it’s what causes him pain.
I’m not sure there is a question to my post, just needed to vent. Thanks!