and reflux.
Hello all,
if your child has very slow motility and you have tried given, reglan, and erothyminthin (sp?) with little improvement, you might want to talk to your doctor about Domperidone. It’s not FDA approved, but is still legal to sell in the US. Also there is much controversy of why the FDA has not approved it (versus approving reglan, which i will not advise anybody to take such drug). The doctor can also prescribe it to help reflux issues by helping the stomach to move its contents faster into the intestine and therefore reducing the regurgitation pain.
Please read all the info below and see if Domperidone might be worth a try. After 2.5 years of fail treament to treat my dd’s gastroperasis, her Dr. has finally prescribed this med and i’ll let you know how it goes. For what i heard from other patients who are using it, it had improved their symptoms greatly (some of these patients have been on reglan and erothy before domperidone).
If you want your doctor to call in a prescription below is a list of places in the US that sell it and many will ship it to you. Also, there is valuable info regarding the medication.
dosage recomendation:
A medical article stating evidence of significance improvement of symptoms of DGE by using domperidone.
I hope this info help you help your little one.
kendramom2010-01-08 11:18:21