Isaac’s first visit thru Early Intervention went well! It was just our coordinator b/c the Occupational Therapist had a funeral to go to. But the lady said exactly what we thought that Isaac’s speech is not delayed but actually advanced.She did agree that he has a fine motor skills delay (which we agree on that) and gave us some stuff to work on until we see the OT. The OT will serve as our feeding therapist for now….if we need extra help than the 2x a month she comes out then we will get a feeding therapist. I was offered the chance to enroll Isaac in a class that is 5 kids his age that they will work on feeding issues together This will be free thru this program so I am beyond excited! They will meet 2-3 times a month!!!!!!!!! She said by the end of the year her last class were all feeding themselves yogurt w/spoons which i really cannot even imagine right now. Also we are probably going to get a speech therapist to come out every few months as they have some ideas for feeding therapy too. I also got lots of stuff to read about for his sensory integration issues and some things to work on until the next visit. The lady got serious brownie points when she said Isaac was one of the cutest kids ever!lol I am feeling so much better after hearing that we will have so much help and support. isaacsmom6182007-1-30 15:13:0
That’t terrific! I’m so happy to hear that your EI visit went so well and Isaac will be getting the help he needs. The feeding class sounds like a great idea and will probaby be great fun for Isaac. I hope this is the beginning of good things for him.
That’s so great, Sarah. I love the idea of a feeding class. Someone on another site I post on was just talking about something similar that she’s doing with her son and it sounds great! Glad to hear all went well. Sounds like a great start.