I think we have finally turned a corner! I have posted many times with my sleep issues, medications problems and how I felt it would never end. I had a pediatrician who did not feel comfortable doing anything further to manage my son until I saw the GI,and I had a two mo. wait to see the specialist. Meanwhile, Jack seemed to wake up more at 11mo.?. Well, there is hope out there for all of you moms that are living day to day in a sleep deprived psychosis. Jack is finally sleeping through the night, and going to sleep awake! No more screaming
I will start by advising everyone to work with your pediatrician and specialists, and admit that I am no doctor. I understand that every baby is different and the MARCI-kids guidelines for medication dosing are simply that, guidelines. I also urge mothers to go with their gut to do what they think is best for the little ones who are suffering. I started giving Jack a higher dose of Prevacid, and by day 2…he only woke up one or two times and was not coughing/screaming. He went back to sleep on his own. I will also note, that he put himself on his tummy to sleep…he would never allow me to put him on his tummy before. Anyway, has been getting easier ever since. I was honest with the PED GI, and he agreed that since he seemed to be better, to continue the higher dose. He tested Jack for allergies, since that was never done before. Anyway, sorry this is so long. I am so excited to be sleeping, and to have Jack doing so much better. Thank you to all who have responded to my earlier posts.