I have another question for you all. Have any of you experienced this? Almost every time after my son finishes nursing, I pick him up to put him on my shoulder to burp him, and he almost immediately cries out as in pain. Then, he usually continue to fuss as long as I’m holding him that way. Sometimes he will settle down if I change him to a lying back position he will settle down, but not always. Also, he doesn’t seem to mind being on his back like other babies with reflux. Do you think that means something else could be going on? I just find it odd that he seems to be the opposite from most refluxers with the way he likes to be positioned. Actually, he seems to be unhappy no matter what most times (whether being held, put down, etc.). I feel like I can’t win. I wish I could just hold my baby and have him be content, but he usually isn’t. Any thoughts?