DD has reflux and is currently on zantac, though I’m not sure how much it is actually helping. She also always has lots of gas, but it’s not foul smelling or anything, just always coming out both ends. She has eczema that I’ve noticed seems to get worse when her reflux gets worse, and cradle cap pretty bad. She also is pretty fussy a lot of times, especially in the evening, but does pretty good all night long. She is 8 weeks old btw.
My DS was MSPI and seems to have grown out of it, but DD doesn’t have the green mucusy diapers like he did, her diapers look pretty normal and she doesn’t even poop a whole lot, only 3 times or less a day. Though she does pee a flood most times though! Anyway, I was going to call the doc for another appointment since the zantac doesn’t really seem to be helping much and was wondering if I should bring up the allergy thing to her or maybe just go ahead and try an elimination diet? I’m scared of the elimination diet because I took all milk and soy out of my diet for my DS and he started falling off his growth curve. It wasn’t until he started on Alimentum that he started gaining well again. I’m afraid of the same thing happening with DD.