Hi- I was just wondering if anyone else’s baby had a lot of clear spit-up, even hours after eating. Is this a good sign, bad sign, or not any of those, in regard to reflux. Any ideas?
Sarah’s spit up pre-meds but like cottage cheese. It was formula that had been partially digested and was coming back up hours later. Once she was on a good dose of zegerid, her spit up was more clear. I don’t know what made the difference. Maybe the acid in her spit up was causing it to look more curdled and once she was on meds and the acid was gone it looked more clear?? I don’t know, I’m just hypothesizing…but I think spit up can come in many shapes, forms and colors! (especially after starting solids!)
Kate’s spit up changes all the time. Sometimes curdled, clear, looks like it was just pumped milk etc… I’m no doctor but I bet there’s no consistency or color of spit up that’s EXACTLY how it’s supposed to be Bummer I know. I WISH there were a standard for poop, spit up and all that stuff. It would make my detective work a lot easier
Amelia often has clear spit up hours after she’s eaten. My guess is that it is stomach acid that is neuralized by the meds (although sometimes it smells acidic). When the lower esophogeal sphincter (LES) relaxes, whatever is in the stomach at that time will come up, even if it is just the stomach acid. Again, this is just my guess.
I agree with Mary. I always thought it was stomach acids as well. But when we were on alimentum (like nutramigen) it did tend to be more clear, because of how thin i think the formula is, and how easily digestable it is.. so after time it probably looks like there isnt too much formula left in their tummies.