Hello my friends. Well, Evie was back at the ped today for the wet cough that has persisted for over one month now. We also just treated an ear infection that developed from it. I thought when he put her on the amox., it would have knocked out the cough somehow, but no. Last night, Evie coughed so hard, she threw up her dinner. We changed the sheets and she did it again. So, enough was enough and today, I was told that while her ears are now “crystal clear”, Evie has bronchiolitis. Nebulizer treatments 3X/day with Xopenex. As soon as I turned on the nebulizer, she freaked and got so scared of the noise that she cried and buried her face into me. The nurse didn’t give her the mask kind b/c she said infants just try to tear it off. Does anyone have any advice for how to get her to use this thing. Anyone have success stories with the nebulizer. I’m not looking forward to this…