We have our follow up appt. in the AM with our ped. regarding current change from zantac to prevacid 15mg solutab. She has been on it for 3 weeks now. I have seen definite improvement in her symptoms and a definite decrease in pain, although she is still experiencing some. I want to up the prevacid, from everyones stories and the marcikids website.
I looked back at a lot of the posts re: how to talk to your ped. Everyone suggested priniting the marci info. I went to the site but WHAT exactly should I take in????
I printed the dosing calculator but is there something else I should arm myself with. I want to be prepared at possible with literature to back me up.
I dont think my doc likes my ideas- he seemed offended when i told him i was not comfortable with reglan and discontinued it.
I think he is a doc that just wants to tell you what to do and you be the robot that smiles back at the God of medicine and obeys his rules- SORRY not this Mommy! (Was I a little harsh there??)
Anyways any advice on how to approach him would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Heather