Our Dr. put us on Nutramigen after a REALLY BAD try with Soy (Pro Sobee) because here you can only get Neocate with a script from a GI specialist. There is only one in the state and my daughter sees them so I asked them about Neocate for my son and they said that they would only prescripe it if he is experiencing blood and or mucus in his poop, projectile vometing several times daily and something about a rectal exam. (NOPE) So since he is not near any of that yet, the GI told me that Nutramigen was my best hope. He tollerates it well I just don’t think it’s enough for him as he eats around the clock. I think maybe where it’s so light and broken down proteins, but oh well, i feel lucky that he is eating and gaining weight so i stay home from work for now and just feed, feed, feed.