how old does a baby/child need to be to get reasonably accurate allergy results? we are closing in on a year & she’s still not able to tolerate milk, soy or even soy lethicin. her ped has made no mention at this point of any testing, but i know if i asked he would. just kinda wondering when we should look at doing that since i know if you do it very young you often get false negs. thanks!
reasonably reasonable reasonless Edit… Revert to “reasonalby”
tolerate tolerated tolerates tollgate dolerite Edit… Revert to “tollerate”
lethicin Letizia deicing letting Latin Edit… Revert to “leticin”
Pooka, they say its better to wait to 2 years, but my daughter is 7 months and has been recently tested. It’s hard to get them to sit still at young ages, so that is part of it. About the mspi…. it’s hard to tell if they will grow out of it, if it is an intolerence I guess it wouldn’t show up. Heard things get better around age 2. Hope so, because neocate is sending me to the poor house!