Hi Laura. I apologize for not updating.
We are doing so much better. Nyana is almost 10 months. This id what works for us. Neocate infant and OTC omeprazole 10 mg twice a day. Food trials are scary but all worth it qhen she passes them. She can’t do: bananas, pears, peaches and carrots. They all cause flare ups. Have not done milk trial yet. Maybe in a month or so. Colds and teething are usually hell bc of the flare ups. We don’t vaccinate yet bc they have caused flares in the past as well. Nigths are pretty good for the most part expect when sick or teething. I also discovered she has a lip tie. Pedo dentist said it was fine but I still think this could be part of her issue with ingestion of air hence the gas.Hubby is totally against revising-fixing it for now :(. The gas has improved a lot. I stopped giving her probiotics and gas drops and just let time take it’s course. Life is so much better. I can go out w my babe and not be afraid she’ll be screaming the entire time. I enjoy her more now!!! It gets better y’all. Hang in tigth.