Jackson is 10 months old and spitting up SO much. Is there still hope that he will outgrow this? For those of you whose babies outgrew it at 12 months, were there any little ones who were still spitting a ton at 12 months? I do NOT want for my son to have to deal with this crap for the rest of his life. I just want to know that this is going to end! Trying to stay positive, but it is so hard to do that. Would love to hear some stories of babies who were still spitting up a lot at 10 months but outgrew their reflux.
It was around 9-10 months when Sarah finally stopped spitting up and bibs were no longer a required part of her wardrobe. We were finally med free around 18 months. Hopefully he’s close to being done! I know that pulling up, cruising, and eventually walking helped a lot with Sarah’s spitting up. Is he doing those things yet? Hopefully when he reaches those milestones things will improve. Hang in there!
He has been walking since 9 months. He is VERY active and has always done the physical milestones ahead of schedule. Still, he is spitting up excessively.
It was right around 10 months that the spitting lessened for us too. Now, that’s not to say that it went away completely, but he wasn’t soaking his clothes anymore. I hope that you find that to be the case too. If he’s teething or sick, the spitting is worse, so if JAckson is going through any of that, it can really affect the reflux.
We weaned 4 months ago. Things got slowly better at 18 months, and much better at age 2, and still better at age 3. It just takes some longer. Hang in there.
Spit up finally slowed down around 10 months for Nathan, too. He still spits up a little when he’s getting sick, though. Here’s hoping that Jackson will turn the corner SOON!
Teething will def bring reflux rearing it’s ugly head! Is he getting teeth? Otherwise he will surely stop spitting in due time. It’s so hard wondering and waiting. Hugs to you both!!
Thanks for your responses! I took Jackson to the health food store today. We are trying a soy and dairy free diet and I had to get him some finger foods. He had spit up and some of it was in his crotch area. The lady at the store said “don’t you change your baby’s diaper?” I wanted to slap her. Who goes to the trouble of buying way overpriced hypoallergenic food for their baby but neglects to change their diaper??!! So rude.