HI everyone, I need your opinion on this one. Rushed ezra into the gi specialist today because of blood in his spit up. He had traces of blood in his diaper two weeks ago, so they bumped him up from 30mg of prevacid a day to 60 mg a day, doesn’t that sound like a lot? We have seen hardly any if any difference at all in his mood. He’s a very uncomfortable baby in all the typical reflux ways and has even begun to fuss more at the breast than less.
I have eliminated dairy and soy which are definite no-no’s, but GI thinks this could still be an allergy? I know you can have blood in your stool form allergies, but spit up too? I wanted to do a scope test, but they said it’s not necessary. Couldn’t he have an ulcer? or hernia or something? Any ideas here guys? Should we insist on the test or should I just go back an an elimination diet? he’s 3 months and growing fine -because he nurses constantly.