My son is now 18mo old and STILL battling with reflux. He was doing compounded prilosec 2x daily with mixed results for a long time. A month ago, I switched to just opening the capsules in some food (on an empty stomach followed 30 min later by meal). I also lowered the dose by about 15%. He started going downhill and today he is worse than ever. Two days ago I upped his dose significantly (about 15% more than the ORIGINAL amount) but it has not helped. In your experience:
1) when you up a dose of a ppi, do you see at least SOME result immediately?
2) is there any reason opening a prilosec capsule into some applesauce would be LESS effective than compounding the prilosec?
3) at what point should a child get a scope done?
4) should i give up all hope of my child growing out of this reflux at this point?
Having a bad day 🙁 Thanks!