Hi all.
Thanks so much for taking the time to try and help me and my little guy. My DS is 8 weeks old and has had bloody/mucus poos, eczema, congested nose and some vomiting.
I eliminated dairy 6 weeks ago and then the top 8 a week later. He saw improvement straight away with the dairy- no vomitting, blood in poos and eczema started clearing. He continued to have mucus in every diaper and a stuffy nose.
I am now on on day 4 of TED and he seems worse. Eczema flaring up and blood in his poos which are turning green again. I am eating: lamb, rice, pears, zucchini, white and sweet potatoes, salt, pepper. I realized that the rice cereal I was eating had cinnamon extract, so stopped eating that 2 days ago.
So, I have two questions:
1)Should I eliminate something? I’m thinking either rice, lamb or white potatoes. The potatoes maybe because there is a family tomato allergy history and they’re both nightshades.
2)Should I give him probiotics or should I wait until we get a baseline?
I have read Erin’s sticky. Thanks again to any advice. I just feel so sad for my grumpy baby.