I have been dealing with and struggling with my first little baby boy and reflux and milk protien allergy. We have been to the GI a ton of times and went from breastmilk to alimentum to nutramigen, to neocate. We also have gone from zantac to prilosec to prevacid. I have felt so sad and depressed by this because i feel like we can’t ever get a handle on this. He is now 3 months and 1 week. Once he started neocate he seemed to be doing better. He then, all of a sudden, started to develop a feeding aversion, feeding became such a struggle. He was eating so little, luckily all the while he has been gaining weight. He was born 6lbs 10oz and is now 12lbs 3oz. I suggested last week changing his medication from prilosec to prevacid. In doing that he is eating much better which is such a relief but it seems his spitting up has increased. He spits up so much 3/4 sometimes 5 times after a feeding with varying amounts, usually there is is a lot coming out. I wonder if the prevacid could be causing the increased spit up. either way it is definitely more. The doctor suggested mixing oatmeal in his bottle but if the prevacid is causing this will that help? I am so frustrated, he spits up a ton and i feel like i cant go anywhere without worrying about it. It seems we fix one thing and something else goes wrong. I would love some advice. thanks so much