Hi all. I would love your ideas… My Daughter has always had trouble with gas and has ‘episodes’ where she goes as stiff as a board, writhes in pain and screams so much she loses her voice. the episodes can last frrom a few minutes to hours. Some days are worse than others, but the days ae awful when she’s bad! She is miserable being awake, but can’t seem to stay asleep or get comfortable enough to get to sleep. I have cut out major dairy sources for the last few weeks and I am still breast feeding her. She has just started on Nexium for possible silent reflux as she is losing weight because she won’t feed for longer than 5-10 minutes (10 minutes is a big feed!!) without going as stiff as a board, screaming, pulling on & off etc. This morning she was so uncomfortable that she clawed my breasts and I have scratch marks all over my breast!!
So… I’m thinking it’s a dairy intolerance causing the gas but I am waiting to see my pedi in a few weeks…. Ideas? Thanks for reading!!