we all know what pain killers do to our digestive systems, right? that’s why they give us those little stool softeners when we’re in the hospital on narcotics—don’t want those nasty hemorroids. i had one get a blood clot in it—ouch, ouch, ouch! the surgeon pulls out the foot rest, tells me to drop my trousers and kneel on it over the examining table—-no “let me step out while you unclothe and drape with this lovely white sheet of paper.” at least he got i numb before he cut into it. he was nice enough to ask me several times if i was doing alright, too. i told him it couldn’t be any worse than giving birth—the gal in the room informed him i had 9 children. then we discussed fundos—-which he said he is not a big fan of—-but i am having trouble swallowing again—so, now i am set up for a pre-op to have another scope done and i’m supposed to be taking a PPI again—wait, they cause constipation, too!!!!!! well, i think i should be off to my sitz bath.