I just had to get this out!
My DD has been suffering from reflux since she was 2 weeks old. It has been hell. We FINALLY saw a GI last week, who scheduled us for an endoscopy for next week. He also told us to stop her prevacid to see if it really was making a difference. Well, after several nights and days of screaming, crying, whining, moaning, and NO SLEEPING we caved and gave her the prevacid last night. She ended up sleeping from ~6-3:30, woke up to nurse, went right back to sleep and slept until 7 this morning! And she woke up this morning smiling, laughing, giggling, just happy! So yes! We think the prevacid IS helping, and we just now need to figure out the right dose for her. I am so relieved to realize that I’m not crazy! haha And most of all I’m so happy that we all slept last night!